Disinformation in Austria
Happened to be in Vienna recently, and picked up a local paper. Came across the figure that 80,000 civiliams have died in Iraq. Where did that number came from?
The LANCET report gave us 100,000 dead, and that's probably an underestimate--and that was a while ago now.... More recently, I've readthat using the same methods as the Lancet authors the number would now go from 300,000 to 500,000.
(I note in passing that a local Slovak paper also featured an incorrect figure in an article which occurred on the anniversary of the invasion....)
And let's be clear: these people are dying because of the US air war.
Please insert here your favorite sarcastic comment about how Bush is a so-called pro-life president because he is discouraging research on embryos.....
At the same time, we've got Condoleeza Rice telling us that a cease-fire in Lebanon is not a good idea. They don't want to be back here negotiating again in six months, she says.
Even if that possible world turned out to be actual, how many lives would be saved in the meantime, that's what I want to knowl
Well, plainly, it doesn't have to be like that; getting a cease-fire doesn't mean that you've given up on a permanet solution--for example, a solution that involved actually talking about the fact of the Israeli OCCUPATION....
But, then the death of innocents never did mean much to the sort of people who are in the White House..... oh, and let's not forget what C. Rice said about nuclear explosions when she was trying to justify the invasion of Iraq: "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."
Good Job Doctor Rice! Nothing like scaring a population into submission.
Is she really competent to be bring peace to the Middle East--as the BBC, for example, might seem to want us to believe? That's the sort of world we live in.