the BBC
Last weekend I heard some truly atrocious stuff on the BBC. They were doing an interview with two "experts" on war. The men engaged in a lot of head nodding about how ignorant the general public is about war.... (Yes, it's a funny thing to say about a radio program, but it was that sort of atmosphere--"We know...and they, the ignorant unwashed masses, do not..." As if the good moral sense of the average citizen were to be scoffed at.)
This looks to me to be a truly disgusting bit of government propaganda designed to counteract the harmful (from the British and American governments' perspective) effects of recent videos of abuses by British soldiers. (I note that it has been noted in electronic space that the media qute wrongly speaks of "alleged" abuse...)
What made the program especially offensive was the absence of any discussion of the morality of war, not to mention the absence of any discussion of whether this particular war was justified.
Ineed, whilst one participant had family ties to a famous soldier from British history, that hardly qualified the man as an expert. Not an expert, especially about morality.
Propaganda of the sort I've come to expect from the BBC.
0-; )-;